Brandi Brogan, RN - (573) 546-9700, Ext. 3696
Andi Yates, RN - (573) 546-9700, Ext. 1624
Wellness Program/Policies/Evaluation
The Arcadia Valley R-II School District Health Services purpose is to strengthen the educational process through improvement of the health status, wellness, and learning of all school age children and youth. We are just one part of the total comprehensive school health/wellness program. Our school nurses are able to enhance the educational process related to student health in the school environment. This is done by modifying or removing health related problems to learning by promoting wellness through prevention, serving as health consultants to students, parents, and teachers; and being liaisons between health care services, education and social services in the community.
Screening grades K-12 for vision, hearing, height, weight. Scoliosis grades 6-9, and 11.
Available to screen pre-school and home schooled children
Administer medications as directed
Administer First Aid
Health education and counseling
In-service to students and staff
School Health Advisory Committee
Opening Doors School Health Contract
Health Fair
Career Day
STD/AIDS Classes
Human Reproduction Classes
Headlice Prevention
News from the nurse...A newsletter to staff, parents, and students
Monthly health room report