Grants that have been awarded...
We are launching a NEW Mini Grant opportunity here on campus called TIGER Grants!
The idea behind this is that we will be seeking out grants to write from sources outside of the district to fund some larger projects, as well as, directly funding several smaller projects inside the district with our own district funds and sources. In addition, it provides us with an avenue to see what kind of great things our faculty and staff would love to see happen here at AV.
One thing I love to see is when someone has a passion for wanting to make something happen but just needs a little help with the means to get the project rolling. Sometimes that is simply a little bit of money that we can easily provide.
There are grant amount categories of:
T - $250
I - $500
G - $1,000
E - $3,000
R - $5,000
S - $10,000+
The application is available on this page. Feel free to fill out one or two or five applications. Mrs. Amelunke is heading up this project and will be gathering the applications and we will begin looking at ways to try and fund some of these ideas whenever possible. No promises on approval of your project, but we will do our best. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Amelunke. This program is for any AV Faculty or Staff members from teachers, secretaries, custodians, counselors, to bus drivers, etc.
--Dr. Beard, Superintendent